Divorce is rarely a pleasant experience, but it doesn’t have to feel overwhelming. Our family law attorneys can help structure your divorce to ensure that assets are divided fairly, that alimony and child support are workable, and that you are protected.
We will always try to resolve your divorce case first through communication and careful consideration of all of the issues involved in your particular case, such as the conduct during the marriage, contributions to the marital assets, each person’s non-marital assets, the participation in the care of the child or children of the parties during marriage, and all other relevant circumstances. We strive to provide efficient and cost-effective service to our clients. We hope to provide service that inspires our clients to recommend our office to people they know who need effective representation.
Our experienced divorce lawyers at Pillow & Hayes Family Law have handled many cases involving complex financial assets for high net worth individuals. We engage financial experts in accounting, financial planning, business, and tax planning to assist our clients and testify in your case if such issues are involved. We have tried numerous cases in multiple jurisdictions and achieved verdicts and judgments in our clients’ favor when settlement efforts were unsuccessful.
Do I need a lawyer to get a divorce?
You’re not required to have legal representation when filing for a divorce, but you should get a lawyer if you can. Divorces can be complicated, even if they’re amicable. If there are issues with property, child custody, alimony or child support, you are going to want a lawyer to ensure you are protected.
The experienced and understanding attorneys at Pillow Hayes Family Law can guide you through the divorce process, and help you get what you’re entitled to. Contact Us.
How long do I have to live in Georgia before I can get a divorce?
You must reside in the State of Georgia for six months before you can file for divorce in Georgia. If you live on a military base, the period is one year. If you don’t live in Georgia but your spouse does, you can file for divorce if your spouse has resided in the Georgia county in which you file for at least six months.
What is a “no-fault” divorce?
In Georgia, you can get a divorce even if there has been no specific wrongdoing by your spouse to cause you to want one. This is called a no-fault divorce, and in this case, you only need to swear that your marriage is “irretrievably broken,” meaning that there is no hope that you and your spouse will reconcile. Either spouse can file for a no-fault divorce if you are living separately.
Can I get legally separated from my spouse?
A legal separation without divorce is called a “separate maintenance.” A separate maintenance order can include custody, maintenance, child support and property rights much like a divorce but without complete dissolution of marriage. You are not required to get a separate maintenance before you can file for divorce.
Does Georgia recognize common law marriage?
Not anymore. Couples who held themselves out as married before January 1, 1997 are legally considered married in Georgia, but common law marriages cannot be entered into after that date. Consequently, relationships initiated after that date do not require divorce proceedings in the event of a break up.
If I am in a common law marriage, is divorce necessary?
Yes. If you are in a common law marriage, you are considered legally married, and must go through the legal process if you want a divorce. Because you’re considered married, any future marriages will not be legal unless you first get a divorce from your common law spouse.
Where do I file for divorce?
You can file for divorce in the superior court of the county where your spouse lives, or in the county where you lived together.
How long will the divorce process take?
It depends on the complexity of your divorce. If both spouses sign an agreement, the divorce can be decided in as little as a month after the divorce papers are served by one spouse to the other. However, if there is no agreement, it can take many months.
What if my spouse is abusive?
You should talk to your lawyer or notify the court as soon as possible if there is violence in your home. You can ask the court to order your abusive spouse to stay away from you, and this will probably affect the court’s decisions about custody, visitation and alimony.
Every family is unique, and therefore every case is unique. At Pillow Hayes Family Law, we treat each matter individually, providing personal attention to our clients and their needs to ensure the best possible results. Our job is to protect the best interests of you and your family. We promise to work tirelessly to help you achieve your goals